Bernard’s Cleaning Service in Richmond has 41 years of experience in the cleaning service industry. We constantly provided exceptional service in the field of cleaning. Bernard Sumler has been the owner and manager since 1979 and continues to work for a variety of customers. He has an increasing number of loyal clients who rely upon the professionalism and quality of his service. Bernard’s Cleaning Service is a member and active participant in the Metropolitan Business League, Metropolitan Richmond Recreation Corporation, B&B Business Trades Association and the Better Business Bureau.
We offer many forms of cleaning services: carpet cleaning, tile polishing, upholstery shampoos, hardwood floor sanding & refinishing, commercial & residential cleaning and more.

Complete Building Maintenance
The Management team at Bernard’s Cleaning Service is trained to deliver great customer service. In the cleaning industry this means that we respond immediately to any request or emergency that a customer has. The employees of Bernard’s Cleaning Service know that when they have concerns about a project, their manager will communicate quickly to help them with any task that needs completing. Our customers know that when they have a problem, a management team member will respond quickly to thoroughly resolve their concern.
We Also Offer Emergency Clean Up!
Bernard’s Cleaning Service responds to all types of cleaning emergencies. Fire, Flood, Storms, Mold & Mildew, Septic Disruption, Animal Invasion, Air Filtration System Failure, and all of the things we can’t even begin to imagine. We provide around the clock emergency service. When you need us, we’ll be there!